Saturday, January 05, 2008

All Good Things Come to an End

It was nice being back in the fresh air and spending time with family together in the US.

BF and TF arrived in the US a little late and then the first and last bags off the belt were ours. We did not get to bed until late Friday night. We said hi to MF and EF and then in the morning we drove to pick up AF at Newark Airport as she was arriving from Scotland. We got there late due to traffic but all worked out. We then drove to NY to see my family for Christmas. We visited with friends and family, played some games, watched some movies, shared some gifts, definitely ate and drank well, and we even saw the priest who married us 26 years ago (he is retiring in January so was a nice surprise to see him at all).
We then returned back to our home in PA. It was good to have the whole family together plus our house guest family. As usual something at the house needed fixing (par for the course). We had a relaxing time and got some supplies for back to school and for China.

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