It is still morning and we have one more place to stop. This is a village called Man Hai. We hope to visit some local homes here. Our group chose to visit a local rural village over a tourist village. It was well worth it.

This is a typical home. It is built on stilts to keep the wild animals at bay in olden times. Once it hit dusk, everyone would go in and stay in. There were tigers in this area. Newer homes are being built out of concrete.

This man lives in the house. He is making a triangular basket to carry chickens in. He has a few hanging under the rafters with chickens in them. He is 88 years old.
This is his wife. She had a hard time getting up due to knee problems. She was very congenial. She is 90 years old.

We were invited into another home. There was a big fire going outside with a wok on it and something cooking steadily with a lid covering half of the contents. There were animal bones in a pile on the ground. The wok held animal skins. The lid held them under the water.
This is outside of the steps to the doorway. It is level with the floor. It is a coffin ready for use. There is no bottom in it yet. It is nice to be prepared. We didn't see anyone at this house that looked old enough to be thinking about death.

This is the village temple. It is well kept.
This is a picture of a man walking by the temple wall looking into the temple grounds. He has a hoe over his shoulder.

We passed these children on our way into the village. They were laughing and dancing then and here they are really putting a show on for us as we leave. Their mothers were sitting at a table out of doors preparing vegetables.
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