Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Phone

I received a call on my work blackberry the other day. It makes me nervous when I get a call on that phone because it is designated as the emergency number if family needs to contact us. The call came at work so at least it was not in the middle of the night for us. It was our son MF calling to say that he injured himself in soccer try-outs for the Loyola Club team. He was on crutches with a swollen knee. The trainer was there when it happened. He wanted MF to put the knee to be iced and come back the next day to see how it was progressing. The trainer had MF go see a doctor because he thought it was more serious than a sprain. He went to the doctor and he said he thought the ACL was torn and needs to get an MRI. MF is waiting to hear from the insurance company to get the MRI scheduled.
I guess it would not have been much different had we been in the States with an "away" college student. The only difference is the phone that the call would come in on.

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