Saturday, August 11, 2007

Good to be in the US Again

BF and I arrived in the US on August 10th to be with the rest of the family. MF ends his internship with Chase today and the girls have been home for the last week or so winding down their summer and getting ready for college.

We had heard that the weather was extremely hot, recently. It turns out when we go to the airport it was in the 60's. It was a nice reprieve from Beijing heat and humidity.

The first thing that I enjoyed the most was the fresh outdoor air and beautiful rural scenery. I do not miss the the overcrowding of bicycles, pedestrians, motor vehicle traffic with the honking horns.

It was nice to see our dog Lester and to drive a car again. It has been 8 months since I have driven a car, I am crossing my fingers on no accidents while driving.

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