Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

The end of the year holiday break was really nice for all of us. The three of us went home to the US. BF and AF left before me and I joined them on Dec 20th. The entire family got together for a couple of weeks which was wonderful. We spent a few days in NY with family members but then returned back to the US to spend time with friends and family. It is bittersweet that the break is coming to an end and time for AF and me to go back home to Beijing. I feel a little homesick and almost wish that I could stay longer but that is not possible. It is time to get back to our life in Beijing.

I had recently posted some information on Christmas in China. I ran into this little video that I thought you might like. Christmas is just a festival for celebrating and has no meaning behind it in China, check it out......................

Not everyone is happy with these developments. See attached China Daily article:

I will be posting from China again, soon.


Anonymous said...

rock and roll jones

Kathy W said...

I've sent this around to several friends...and to think that they are protesting starbucks as 'too commercial??"