Thursday, September 07, 2006

together at last

BF arrived yesterday. I met her at the airport with one of our drivers. It sure was good to see her after a month. She showed up in a new pair of cowgirl boots that her friends bought her for her birthday in the US. I took her to the apartment and showed her some of the ropes. I then needed to attend a special dinner in a very nice place in South Beijing, I should have brought my camera. It was a beautiful night in a spectacular park Dingge on Zuanmennei Ave. It was a clear night with a full moon. There was lots of toasting by everyone and beautiful food.

Today BF let AF take the day off from school because there was not much going on with some IB program (AF is not in IB). They did some shopping while I went to work in a new V6 Ford sedan that was provided to us. I met the driver at 7am for the first time, Liu Bin. We made good time driving to work in 35 minutes. There was little conversation since he know virtually no English and I am constrained to right, left, hello, thank you, and goodbye.

My co-workers were talking about what a great restaurant they found yesterday on some side street fro 25 RMB per. They wanted to go out to lunch today and I thought we were going back to the same place or some other Chinese restaurant. I was surprised when everyone headed into a KFC.............. Yuck, I will ask where are we going next time.

The best thing that happened today was AF agreed to go out to dinner. I took AF and BF to Mare a Tapas place that a co-worker took me to on my first day in town, It was really good but a little expensive.

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